Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I'll tell you what's wrong:
The hypocritical society screws it up all the time. 

Movies.. Even books. They are all based on the society's norms. What is acceptable and pleasing to the society becomes the main focus of these supposed-to-be-awesome stuff. I think that's wrong. Because most of the time, the happiest endings and the most thrilling experiences come from norm deviance. People actually deviate before they actually become happy. And that's reality. A protagonist has to defy things... act differently, speak differently, stuff like that. Well.. I think it should be based on reality. Not on some frustration or dream that never came true. 

People read books and go to movie houses because they want to temporarily escape their lives. They want to indulge into something that would make them forget how miserable they are. After doing those, they actually expect their lives to somehow be like those in the movies, those in the books. Well, they end up more frustrated, more sad, more crushed, more broken. Why? Because these things presented in the paper and in the screen are (most of the time) not attainable in real life. Yes, they are ideal, but not realistic. 

For example, the typical flow of a love story: boy meets girl- they become friends- they start to do crazy stuff together- they call each other pet names- they fall in love- they become happy and flirt with each other-then something comes up when everything already seemed perfect- then their relationship breaks down- oh, they cry themselves to sleep-while they remember their crazy memories (with the black and white flashbacks and madrama background music of course)-and then they decide to do something to fix their relationship-okay so whatever, in the end they win each other back and everything will be happy and they will hug or kiss before the screen fades into black and the credits start to roll.

Seriously? You end a story like that? Those things don't happen in real life, for crying out loud. You don't meet someone at a cafeteria or at a coffee shop and then be automatically attached to his smile. You don't drop your books, and then some guy picks it up for you and you'll be slowmotion-ly looking into his eyes while life slows down for you. No, they don't happen. Well, most of the time. And people should understand that presenting these stupid happily ever afters to 16 years old kids would just frustrate them and make them believe that life can be manipulated and we all could have our love of our lives be there to hug us while the screen fades to present the names of the director and producer. Again, they don't happen.

Happy endings don't happen to 16 years old. Happy endings, they take a lifetime. Kaya nga ending eh. Happy endings happen when two people decide to love each other no matter what till the day they can't even paint their nails due to arthritis. Till the day they can't even take themselves to a decent shower, but they still love each other even if they already stink. Till the day they can't even move, but still, could feel their love. Happy endings end when people's lives end happy. That's it. 

That's why I hate mainstream, they make people believe in lies. Make people hope for ideal endings portrayed in silly movies wherein the actors involved couldn't even have a stable relationship in their real lives. I believe that sad movie/book endings don't actually make people sad. They make people think. They make people act differently. They make people know the do's and don'ts. I think it's more helpful than those stupid lies. But it won't happen, because the society wants it the other way. 

So thank you Hypocritical Society, for bringing our hopes up then crushing it down when we get up from our seats and realize that those things won't happen to us in real life. Thank you for screwing up our happy endings.

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